Professional Masonry Restoration-Get it Right the First Time!

Masonry restoration is not only costly but if performed in the wrong manner can be unsightly. Mismatched mortar and incompatible brick replacement detracts from your buildings aesthetics leaving undesirable features on your masonry walls for years to come.

Arrow Masonry is an established masonry restoration company that not only repairs structural deficiencies within your brick, stone or block facades but does so in a way to enhance its cosmetic appeal.

We carefully select the closest brick match to your original not only in color but in texture insure integration of the new and old. When tuckpointing is required we customize your mortar mix so it blends in with your existing mortar color and profile. The best compliment we have received was not seeing the repair at all!

Contact Arrow Masonry today at 847-776-6400 if you are in need of any of our masonry restoration services or click here to see what we have done!